
Not everyone in the system is listed here. These are just the members who feel comfortable being listed.

Cyrus, the Host

Cyrus is the host of the system. This is usually who is fronting, and often becomes frontstuck.

They are 24, use they/them pronouns, and is a robotic alien. They like sharks, food, art, gaming, coding, and the color blue.

Janice, the Protector

Janice is the system's main protector. She is completely mute and is figuring out a way to communicate on stream, as she would like to say hello sometime.

She is as old as the universe itself, uses she/her pronouns, and is a retired guardian angel. She likes the colors black and red, roses, knitting, honey, and chocolate.

Mei, part time Protector

Mei is one of the other protectors. They write with a lack of contractions usually. Their siblings are Mai and KAZ.

They are 29, use they/them pronouns, and they are an alien. They like oranges, flowers, space, exploration adventures, music, and hamburgers.

Mai, no particular role

Mai is Mei's identical twin brother. His other sibling is KAZ.

He is 29, uses he/him pronouns, and like his sibling Mei, is also an alien. He likes art, music, Mexican cuisine, sour candy, adventuring, and plums.

KAZ, no particular role

KAZ is Mei and Mai's AI assistant turned android brother. He used to be a protector, but has stepped down from the role.

KAZ is 24, uses he/him pronouns, and is an alien android. He likes art, music, sweets, kink, cats, watching TV, and reading magazines.